Wednesday, 1 November 2023

More HIFI myths - running in

 I can't for the life of me see how running in electronic HIFI equipment can improve the sound. HIFI magazines often suggest that you should run in speakers etc. for hours or even days before you hear an improvement in sound. What are they talking about? You go to a HIFI shop and listen to some speakers that you want to buy, possibly  these speakers have been used for weeks. You decide to buy a set of new ones and get them home and after initially hearing them they sound different: what do you do, send them back or do you keep them hoping they will sound better after weeks of use? Retailers suggest that you run in HIFI equipment hoping that you will get used to the sound, after a few months, to encourage you to keep the equipment. This saves them money and time and effort. HIFI magazines have fallen for this one.

All this is nonsense, I have never heard an improvement in the sound quality of new HIFI equipment  after several months of use. All this with the exception of a turntable motor, I could swear that my turntable's motor was quieter after several months of use, even though I could scarcely hear it running initially  with my ear to the table. I did not hear an improvement in sound quality  after several months or was I fooling myself?